Thursday, 4 October 2012

Chest pain in women

Chest pain in women occurs on and off for almost the last year. My name is Dr. Shyla High and I have been having severe squeezing chest pains in the center of my chest all this time. Apparently I, i feel very unlikable pressure in the center of my chest all the way through the day that starts when I awaken up, but then the weight increasingly increases to the peak where I’m pacing about the residence harassed to gasp. I don’t get any racing thoughts or chest pain in women or even heart ache, but heavy heartbeat like sensations like what panic attack victims feel .
Heart Disease | Symptoms of Heart Disease in Women | Heart Attacks in Women | Chest Pain in WomenWhen i start wandering off to snooze at dark, my inhalation gets really thin and I’m suddenly awakened with an intense squeezing pain in the middle of my torso that scares the living day lights out of me Amanda Britz and causes me to call my cardiologist Dr. Shyla High, the very minute I feel this powerful pain, and heart attacks in women , I’m forced to immediately take a deep mouthful of air of air and the pain immediately goes away.
The second i start falling asleep again, this trouble repeats itself and will continue all through the nighttime, it makes me scared to even try to doze off.
Sometimes I end up falling asleep in the morning from the extreme tiredness and end up inactive most of the day and night, there was even a few times where i stayed awake for over 10 days without even a short doze.
i get a very small amount of relief from the pressure sometimes if i grasp my arms above my head and move my shoulders back.  The pain in the center of my chest isn't a bad, sharp pain and I only feel it in the middle the pain only occurs when I call Dr. Shyla High to help with what is chest pain in women.
As the chest pressure gets too harsh and when I experience this pain when falling asleep it sends very horrifying vibrations rushing through my body, feels like my heart is sneezing and it goes away as soon as I wake up and call my physician Dr. Shyla High. I've seen another cardiologist once so far and none is better than Dr.High. Everything came back fine.
I have also been to the ER twice and had x-rays and blood work done and all was fine. My doctor prescribed pain med for my chest pain in women. Pain med helps with the chest pressure for the most part during the day, but I still get the sickening pains when diminishing asleep. Does anyone else have these symptoms - chest pain in women ? My name is Amanda Britz I am scared for my life and literally cannot find meaning for my life like this for any much longer.

Monday, 10 September 2012

Cardiovascular disease

Cardiovascular disease - is stand for heart and circulatory disease - is the biggest killer in the UK, America and USA. Cardiovascular disease is the part of diseases that involve the heart or blood. The Most countries face increasing rates of cardiovascular disease. Every year, heart disease kills more Americans than cancer. CVD and heart disease number one cause of death in the United States and most European countries. According to PDAY the vascular injury accumulates from adolescence, making primary prevention efforts necessary from childhood.
Many factors can increase your risk of cardiovascular disease . These include are :-
•    SmokingCardiovascular Disease | heart disease in women | heart problems women | heart attack in women
•    High blood cholesterol
•    High blood pressure (hypertension)
•    Being physically inactive
•    Not taking regular exercise
•    Family history of heart disease and CVD
•    Sex and age
•    Being overweight or obese
•    kidney disease etc.
Heart attacks in women don’t always happen suddenly and dramatically where you grab your chest in terrible pain and fall to the ground  with heart disease in women. You can have symptoms for hours, days, even many, many weeks as the artery narrows before it eventually becomes completely blocked and you have a full attack. Cardiovascular disease (heart disease and stroke) is a leading cause of death for Canadian, American and  women worldwide and yet many women are not aware of this threat. In fact, most women have at least one of bad risk factors for cardiovascular disease (heart disease ).
Again the biggest misnomer is that although heart disease is often thought of as a problem for  only men, more women than men actually  die of heart disease each and every year. One big challenge and problem is that the symptoms of heart disease in women can be different from symptoms in most other mammals. Fortunately, women can take often take steps to understand their unique  and one of a kind symptoms of heart disease and take precautions to begin to reduce their risk of heart disease. The key is knowledge and applying the knowledge. Ignoring is the worst thing that can happen. The internet has changed the way people and especially women learn about heart disease and heart disease symptoms.
So you should do to? For the a smoke, no. And healthful exercise, eat, and be sure to maintaining a healthy body. Your heart and blood vessels thank you later!

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Heart Disease In Women

Heart Disease | Symptoms of Heart Disease in Women | Heart Attacks in Women | Chest Pain in Women
Heart Disease | Symptoms of Heart Disease in Women | Heart Attacks in Women | Chest Pain in Women
Dr. Shyla High is to provide with all the useful information which would help in understanding Heart disease. As quoted by Helen Keller the American author who lost her eyesight at a green age “The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart.”
Heart the key muscular organ in the circulatory system has four chambers: namely auricles and ventricles (each two in number). It is located near the left part of the chest. An average human heart takes about 72 beats in a minute and is of magnitude of your fist. It weighs around 250-300 grams in females. It's foremost function is to pump blood rich in oxygen throughout each and every cell of the body. Heart disease is the mainly refers to any disease and condition of the heart problems , symptoms of heart disease in women causes a myriad of heart attacks from chest pain in women to heart failure.
Cardiovascular diseases in women :-
As the name says it is the ailment caused by the heart or the blood vessels.The major ground of such diseases is HTN that is high blood pressure or ASVD in which the cholesterol deposits in the blood arteries. Their number has ascended by far in women in modern times.Additional rationale may be excessive drinking, smoking, obesity, high sugar, depression, menopause, stress, lack of exercise, junk diet, pollution or even the family history.
Cardiovascular Disease | heart disease in women | heart problems women | heart attack in women•    Symptom pain in chest which may or may not be severe
•    Headache or fatigue
•    Dizziness
•    Vomiting or nausea
•    Difficulty in breathing
•    Pain in the shoulder or left part of body
Types of heart diseases in women : -
No more the ailment is constrained till the man it has taken women too in its clutches. From past one decade 8000 women aged 35-54 died of heart disease which is too high. Few diseases are as follows- Coronary Artery Disease or CAD which is caused as an conclusion of deposition of fats or cholesterol in the walls of arteries which confine the supply of myocardium with oxygen and nutrients. Heart Failure is inability of heart to  disperse blood to the body. Stroke causes loss of brain function due to back flow of blood. Hypertensive Heart Disease which is caused due to high blood pressure can even lead to death. Cardiomyopathy is ailment in the cardiac muscles which gradually lead to heart failure. Chest Pain in women or Angina is the medical term referring to chest pain which is caused in women due to lack of blood flow.
All you wonderful women are meant to have an amazing life! You are the foremost to wake up and last to sleep in your family Shield your HEART live happy healthy.